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Religious Services Offered

Chapel by the Sea offers an array of services to our church community.
For full details and/or to make an appointment
with the Pastor and Office Administrator, please contact the church office at (239) 463-3173.

A Service of Healing



A Service of Healing will follow the 10:00 a.m. service at the front of the Sanctuary. This service of prayers for healing reflects our belief that God’s purpose for us all is a life of wholeness for our mind, body, and spirit. The ministry of healing is an integral part of our Christian witness. So, too, our prayers are complementary to the work of medicine and other forms of healing, which are also channels of God’s loving and transforming purpose. All are welcome to share in this ministry to pray for themselves or for another person or situation. There will be an opportunity for those who wish to come forward to share in the laying-on of hands, anointing with oil, and a brief moment to share concerns privately with the Pastor.


Our hope is that as a Christian community, all who attend will feel God’s acceptance and love, and this will sustain us in our process of healing.




We are always honored when couples ask us to be part of their wedding.


Who may get married at Chapel by the Sea?

   Couples who meet the requirements of the State of Florida and the Presbyterian Church

   (USA) may be married in the church as long as they also fall into any one of these

   three groups:

  • One of the couple is a member of Chapel by the Sea.

  • One of the couple is a child, stepchild, grandchild or step-grandchild of a member of the Chapel by the Sea.

  • One of the couple is a local resident with a connection to Chapel.


What are the policies about weddings at Chapel by the Sea?

  • The pastor of the Chapel by the Sea shall officiate at the wedding service.

  • Couples must complete the counseling provided by the pastor.

  • The wedding service that we use will be the Presbyterian service found in the Book of Common Worship.



An Invitation to Receive the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything

I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19, 20


   We invite anyone who has an interest in taking this step

   to contact the church office to set up an appointment

   to discuss your desire to be baptized with the pastor

   or one of the elders.

Funeral and Memorial Services


At this time of your family’s loss, we are here to assist you with the immediate need of planning a service to celebrate the life of your loved one. We also will continue to be available in the weeks and months that follow by providing bereavement counseling and support as well as assistance with the many details that must be attended to after a death. Please contact the church office to meet with the Pastor and Office Administrator to discuss service arrangements and reception options.

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